Laborers for JUSTICE will assist and provide its members free all the tools they need to create and maintain web sites devoted to publishing information members have a right to know. The web sites, ranging in size of 10 megabytes to 25 or larger, are also free.
An examble of a free web site is the one under construction for the Connecticut District Council Others are also under construction with maintenance being performed by members of the local with free guidance from union web masters and free software. All that is required of reformers is a willingness to learn and some dedication to the project.
These web sites will be used to monitor the out of work list and the strict compliance of officers with ethical requirements as well as communicate with members who can not attend union meetings. The news we report is bound to be more informative than what information locals now supply to their members.Whatever they report, we will report. Whatever we report they will not report even though it is the truth. Are they going to put their mug shots on their union sites? Their past criminal records? Their salaries and expences? The names and addresses of their mob friends and relatives?.
If you would like to send information for web publishing that you think the members should know about, send it by fax or mail. Laborers for JUSTICE will convert the paper based information into digital information and publish it on the internet as a free service to LIUNA members. Court documents , interrogatories, indictments, etc are most welcome.
In due course, every job site within the local's jurisdiction will be electronically monitored with daily reporting of hours worked by union members to assure that all contributions are made on a timely basis by employers.There will be no extended grace periods to make up for past overdue contributions. The job will be shut down immdiately. Field representatives with no show jobs will soon not have jobs. Once we sue their ass off for not performing their fiduciary duties, they won't have any assets left.
contact Jim McGough at 847-202-3838 or via e-mail