I'm writing to inform you of the discrimination I have suffered, being part of Laborers Local 230 from 1964 to 1997.

In 1964, I joined Local 230. In 1985 I became a candidate for office, and ran for election In 1986. This was the beginning of all my troubles.

I was knocked off a job at this time, and was kept benched for the next six years. Because of this, I ran into financial woes, losing my home, family, car and eventually ending up on the welfare roles. Thus, I was unable to pay my dues, resulting in the loss of my book.

Finally in 1992, the NLRB [National Labor Relations Board] granted my backpay, after an appeal pending four years. I immediately sent money for the return of my book.

Instead, I was told I would never be allowed back into the union, ever, nor would I ever be granted a book, This was in total contrast to the NLRB decision of making me whole!

I have since, along with Gary Wall, exhausted all remedies within the NLRB, which took eight years, And still they will not exercise their power to reinstate me.

I have no way of knowing what is going on with my pension. Not being allowed to attend meetings, I have to rely on hearsay. This is the punishment Gary Wall and I have received for trying to expose wrongdoing in Local 230 pensions.

Hartford, Connecticut

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