Letter To The Editor

Hardhat News

February 17, 2000

Mr. Henry Zeiger

New York Hard Hat News
PO Box 1786
New York, NY 10159-1786

Dear Sir and Brother ,

I am writing to tell you Bob Fitch article is closer to the truth than you might think. I am a 30 year member of LIUNA who nothing surprises.

When they beat people at the convention there could be no denying it was happening. Now they bring in people like John Sweeney AFL-CIO Leader and the actress Pamela Reed, Civil Rights Activist, Jesse Jackson and Politicians like Richard Gephart, to campaign for them and legitimize their bullshit.

They don't need guns or violence anymore at conventions. They have a bigger gun than ever. A direct pipeline to the Whitehouse and the United States Justice Department. The Clinton administration and the Democratic Party have been running interference for MOB union leaders in exchange for big political contributions since they took office. You ever heard of Harold Ickes from New York? He was the MOB's ticket into the White House. Trumka, Carey, Coia, political scandals ring any bells.

I am going cut it short, violence is still going on in LIUNA today and elections are still being rigged today. And for you to suggest that what we have now is better than nothing is absurd.

You sound to me like a hack for the Democratic Party. I suggest before you write anymore about LIUNA you research your facts. Coia didn't institute a reform program, he cut a deal to give the appearance of a reform program to keep his ass out of jail.

Sincerely yours

Alex Corns
Busines Manager/Secretary-Treasurer
Laborers Local 136
6229-A Mission Street
Daly City, CA 94014

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