The Voice of the Rank & File

Number 1

July 1996

Published by
Laborers for Justice & Democracy
1601 Ocean Avenue, #346
San Francisco, CA 94112

Who We Are...What We Do

by Alex Corns

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Myself and other rank & file Laborers have started an organization to be known as Laborers For Justice and Democracy. We are dedicated to work for Justices and democracy for all members of Laborers International Union of North America, within the parameters of the Constitution.

As most of you know the Laborers International Union was forced to sign a consent decree with the United States Justice department to rid the Union of any form of corruption.

I am a member of a small local union and the first thing we lost was our right to send two delegates toe the convention. As a matter of fact since our local union has only 180 members we don't have any right to send a delegate. We have to be combined with another local even though our per capita tax was paid.

This is a strange kind of democracy. After jumping through several hoops Hod Carriers Local #36 was allowed to be combined with Hod Carriers Local #166 to elect two delegates. This is not what we had in mind but it was better than being combined with a Laborers Local where we would have been out numbered 3 to 1.

After our local was put through all these changes I said to myself, the rank and file need a platform for reform at the upcoming LIUNA convention.

Several months ago we sent out a survey to members of the Hod Carriers Local's #270 and #36 and received a tremendous response. I read what the members of both locals said in this survey very carefully and it was obvious that many thing are wrong in out Union. We must make a change, now.

Caucus Meets:
Laborers All Over California Want A Fair Shake

by Alex Corns

After a trip to the central valley and a meeting of a rank and file laborers we decided on the following platform:

1.) We support the right to elect the entire 15-member general executive board by a direct vote of the rank and file. This issue is going to go be fore the members of LIUNA for a referendum vote, so remember to vote YES on the referendum to elect all the International Executive Board Members by a direct secret ballot vote of the members, (starting in the year 20001).

2.) We also want the right to elect all District Councils officials by a direct vote of the rank & file. These are the people who negotiate most of the Agreements we have to work under, so we should elect them.

3.) We feel all Laborers Union Officials should bring their salaries in line with the income of the membership. It became apparent to all of us in the caucus that the salaries of our leadership are totally out of sync with the membership.

The April/May issue of LIUNA Magazine ran an article (on the Davis Bacon Act) that clearly states the average construction worker in California makes only $28,000 a year. It is a disgrace when you compare what the members are making to the salaries of the LIUNA leadership. You begin to wonder what's going on here? Only 17% of the entire United States work force is unionized but look at the money these men pay themselves! (See Article "Way Over Paid" on page one.)

We discuss several other things at the meeting but these were the may concerns of the caucus.

Way Over Paid

by The Voice Staff

LIUNA International Officers Salaries

(From the US Dept. of Labor.)
General President Arthur A. Coia.......................$213,957.73
General Secretary Treasurer Rollin P. Vinall...........$197,381.13
1st Vice President Mason Warren........................$266,362.57
2nd Vice President John Serpico........................$132,499.09
3rd Vice President Verne Haynes.........................$35,0000.04
4th Vice President Sam Caivano..........................$252,138.69
5th Vice President Enrico Mancelli......................$222,696.68
6th Vice President Chuck Barnes.........................$153,466.72
7th Vice President Jack Wilkson.........................$155,352.57
8th Vice President George Gudger........................$161,097.88
9th Vice President Mike Quevedo..........................$28,544.52
10th Vice President Armand Sabitoni.....................$129,233.09

Northern California District Council Of Laborers

(From the US Labor Dept. form LM2 for 1995)
Archie Thomas.........$163,000
Don Payne..............$93,909
Dave Thomas............$33,293
Harold Mucker..........$87,099

The executive board of the Northern California District Council total pay for the year was $321,256. These are pretty good wages for persons not elected by the rank & file who really don't answer to anyone.

How many of you rank & file members can honestly say I met the head of ht District Council at our local union meeting the came to explain why his wages are higher than the Governor of California?

Some more interesting figures: The following Average Annual Income figures were computed by the Building Trades Dept. AFL-CIO

Fresno, Ca. laborer.....................$21,253 a year
Merced, Ca laborer......................$20,007 a year
Modesto, Ca laborer.....................$23,037 a year
Vlsalia-Tulare-Portervile, Ca laborer... $18,807 a year

The Laborers magazine says the California average is $28,000. So where do these guys get off with these kinds of salaries? If the U.S. Justice Department and the Inspector Generals Office want to free the Laborers Union of Corruption They should let the Rank & File elect every paid LIUNA Official and set their salary.

Voice of the Rank & File is published by the Laborers for Justice and Democracy<. We are dedicated to winning justice and true democracy for all members of the Laborers International Union of North America, working within the parameters of the LIUNA constitution. If you have an article or other useful information for the members of our Union please mail it to us at:

Laborers for Justice and Democracy
1601 Ocean Ave #346
San Francisco, CA 94112

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