August 23, 1998

Arthur Adams, Business Manager of Local 493 is presently scheduled for a hearing September 17,1998 between the Local against Robert Luskin, Peter Vaira, W.Douglas Gow, W. Neil Eggleston and Paul Stunt at the Ontario Labour Relation Board.

Arthur Adams was charged November, 1997 because of complaints by the members against the whole executive board for their non-compliance and unaccountability to the membership. Adams has hired lawyers to defend himself. He is also accused of lying to the membership at the General Membership Meeting in March and April 1998.

Here are some facts:

-This is what led to Adams application before the Ontario Labour Relations Board to keep the U.S from interfering with the corrupt runnings of Canadian locals.

This so far are the NON results of three years of co-operating with the Inspector Generals Office. Where do they Go from here?

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