Plan Sponser

General Description

Plan Sponsor magazine is the leading North American monthly reporting on the pension industry. The publication, with a controlled circulation of 35,000, is geared to organizations which sponsor pension plans for their employees. "Plan sponsors" are the executives charged with providing income and benefits to retirees through investment. Readers runthe gamut from those who oversee very small plans with several million dollars in assets to giant public funds with tens of billions of dollars in investments.

The magazine's goal is to simultaneously help these organizations design the best retirement plans and put in place winning investment strategies. Major changes in pension law, the aging of the baby boom generation, and the growing reliance on private, non-governmental resources to fund America's retirement have made the job of the plan sponsor increasingly complicated.

Plan Sponsor was founded in 1993 to provide plan sponsors with better and more information and therefore help meet the challenges provided by these changes. No other magazine covers the needs of this influential group with more authority and depth.

Plan Sponsor is published ten times a year: monthly, and double issues in July/August and December/January. Individual copy cost is US$15.00.

  • February 1994--"Laborers' Damage Control"
    Stephen J Govoni


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